Friday, December 17, 2021

still going

 I am approaching an anniversary of sorts

    My first post was Jan. 1, 2014.

    I started because I never finish projects.  Books undone, models never built.  I have done better with puzzles, I have 7 completed ones in the basement.  I glue them togeether when done, but I think in the future I will just disassemble them and pass them on.  Unless I rteally like the picture.

    Anyway, my first posts were funnier.  I told all the funny stories about me that I could during that first year.  I decided to go another year.  Then another.  And another.  And here I am.

    Currently about 60 people a day read my little boring stories.  So far, 228,000 visits have been made to my site since I started.

    While the US is the main country, Switzerland is second and Sweden third.  France, Portugal, Spain, Serbia and Costa Rica (Lauren??) have also had readers visit.  Early on the Ukraine had several visitors, but that has not been true for a while.  I don't believe I have ever had a reader from China, Japan, or the Koreas.  In fact, I don't think I have had any visitors from Asia.

    I would not be telling the truth if I said I always had great ideas, or inspiration.  At times my sentence structure and spelling are a little on a WTH side of proper grammar.

    That may be because I have had wine, or a hot buttered rum, or  long day, or a tough day for vision.  Those seem to be getting more, rum, bad vision.

    I do value you all as  readers.  I appreciate you taking time from your day to read about my life. I know I have said  that before, but you don't know howimportant your readership is to my ego!    

    That's it for me.

    Peace and Love

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