Thursday, December 9, 2021

I admit it

 Am I supposed to understand today's world?


What the hell is a metaverse?

What is bitcoin and all the other cyber currencies I keep hearing about?

    Have people gone mad?

    I read a story about a person who paid 2.6 million for a section of virtual real estate in Decentraland!  The space was perfect for a virtual store! 

    What the hell does that mean?

    I don't know if the person paid in real dollars or the virtual reality.  And how do you get a bitcoin to start with?

    I understand the person buying the 14,000 square foot home on Lake Geneva WI for $39.5 million.....they must have a large family because the house has 12 bedrooms.  At least they were dealing with an actual piece of property you could sleep in after making a payment in real dollars, which I understand. 

    But virtual real estate?  Decentraland?  Metaverse?

    Might as well be speaking a foreign language.

    I am looking at a notebook where I make notes.  If anyone knows why I wrote down "Third Saturday in May"  please tell me because I have no idea.  So much for making notes.

    I found the perfect gift for someone, but it was sold out.  Figures.

    And I learned a new word:  Axolotl.  

    Now...your turn.

    Does it mean:

            1.      A new type of crypto currency.

            2        A Bulgarian swear word

            3        A word that might not be spelled right but due to the hot buttered rum I am drinking is as close as it is going to get

            4        A salamander.

    And the answer is....drum roll.......a salamander.  But not  a normal one, but one that regenerate parts of its body, including limbs, gills, parts of their eyes, and parts of their brains.

    Scientists are very interested in it for its regenerative qualities.  

    Seems to me we could use th regeneration of the brain technology right about now in our society.


Peace and Love

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