Wednesday, December 1, 2021

manger goes where?

 We have run out of room for Christmas stuff

    The only item we have not put out yet is the manger.  There is no room for the inn.

    Ironic twist on the time of year, eh?

    Going through the final tub was an experience.  Every time I pulled something out, Jackie said, "Where did that come from?"

    Of course, I am no help since I can't remember crapola.  I wnt into a store to buy two things the other day, came out with over $40 worth of stuff but forgot one of the items I was supposed to buy!  And I still can't find my working sweatshirt.  It has been two weeks now, and I have loooooooked everywhere.  BTW, all the os were intentional.

    Today I went to Rockford to buy the final piece to my bird bath puzzle. I now have all the stones, I just need to arrange them.  Maybe tomorrow, or maybe next spring.  Who knows?

    Any way, I have driven down Bell School Road dozens of times.  Dozens.  I was on my way to Woodman's and lord knows what was going on in my mind.  There is a T intersection by the private school and there is a 3 way stop.  For some reason, I can't figure out what, I blew the stop sign.  At 45 miles an hour.

    I did hit the brakes, but by the time I stopped I was 3/4 through the intersection.  If the person on the side road had California stopped at their sign, I could have hit them.

    I constantly complain about people who run red lights and stop signs.  Yet there I was, a moment's distraction and a blown stop sign.   I am still rattled by it, 7 hours later.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the first Christmas in over 20 years when American servicemen were not stationed in war zones.  Am I right?  I know there are troops in hot spots, but not large contingents and I don't believe as active combatants.

    I am glad families will not have that to worry about this year.

    Peace and Love.  

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