Wednesday, December 15, 2021

just a few words

 We went to the Christmas market in Chicago today

    Julia, Emily, Dan, Linda and I went downtown to the market.  We braved the cold winter temps and the deep snow to wander around the outdoor market.  I even had a hot wine to warm my frozen body.

    Actually, it was 60+ degrees.  There would have been more of us going, but some people have to work to keep the hospitals and schools running!

    So....not so many words today.  Just pictures.

I hope I was a good boy this year!!

Me thinks this bike is toast....and it is a Trek!

State Street, that Great Street

Photo shoot on State

Looking up at the magnificent ceiling at Field's....I mean, Macy's

Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?

She had a great voice

With my schnitzel and souvenier mug, I am a happy man

Someday I will have the chicken pot pie here

Mural in the basement at Field's, I mean Macy's.

Peace and Love

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