Wednesday, December 29, 2021

end of an era

 I made a life changing decision today

    Now I am depressed.  And relieved.  

    I bought an artificial Christmas tree.

    I swore I would never have one.  Never.  

        The tree this year has lost a lot of needles from the bottom.  I did not close the heating vent which is behind it, which may have caused the problem.  I will be taking the tree down Friday.  We always leave the tree up until Jan. 6.

    I had decided against an artificial tree just a few days ago.  But watching the needles drop, thinking of the clean up and disposal, worrying about a risk of fire, all led me to change my mind.

    Now I won't have to rely on anyone to go with me to cut a tree.  We have been lucky the past few years.  Emily, John, and sometimes Camryn, have humored me by going but the weather has been mild.  I can't imagine going out to look on a weekend when there is 6 inches of snow on the ground, the temperature is low and the wind is howling.

    With the artificial tree, I can put it up when I want and take it down when I want.  I won't have needles to pick out of the carpet for a month.

    Yet no matter how much I keep telling myself it is for the best, I have a hole in my heart. 

    Next year, if you remember, when you go to a cut your own lot, let me know if I can tag along.  

  Peace and Love

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