Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Hoime again, home gain

Julia came home today 

    After nearly 20 years in Switzerland, she came home.

    Not just for Christmas, but home.

    John, Emily and I went to the airport to meet her.

    Each Christmas she/we would scramble to meet with friends and family who wanted to visit her.  This year will be a little more relaxed, because she wont be leaving in 3 weeks.

    Julia brought 4 suitcases and 2 carry ons with her, and thankfully the porter at O'Hare helped John load the suitcases.  They were heavy.  (The suiitcases, not John and the porter.)  A friend took her to the airport in Geneva, and we will always appreciate Matt for his kindness.  

    We had a nice family dinner, and I got to open my first window on the Advent wine calendar.....a white from Italy that was pretty nice!

    A new era begins for her...and for us.  She will be bunking with us for a while, wehich means she has to get used to 2 old people who can't remember shit.

    Digressing, the other day I was in a coffee shop in Rockford and they had a message board.  I was uplifted by some of the postings.

    Maybe you will see something here that lifts your spirits or brings a chuckle.

Peace and Love

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