Sunday, December 26, 2021

post blues

Today was a strange post Christmas day 

    Usually I rush off to Aldi's to pick up Christmas cookies, hopefully at half price.  But today, I just was tired and kind of funky feeling.  I prety much sat around most of the day, but about 2 I get energetic and did some chores.

    Supper was leftovers, which I am happy to eat.  But eventually turkey gets tiring and we will need a change of taste.

    Speaking of taste, (great transition, eh?) not everyone appreciates my art.

    I don't like wrapping paper.  I think it is pretty wasteful.  So several years ago I bought an end roll of plain newsprint and I wrap my presents in those.  Years ago, when I could get the Trib delivered to the house, I would start saving the Sunday funnies in about July and by Christmas I had enough wrap presents.

    But now I use the plain, white print.

    To make it more festive, I draw Christmas scenes...sort of.  Sometimes they are amazing....but you may not agree.

    Here are some from this year.

This started out as a rabbit, but it later became a guinea pig or a boxing mouse

Hard to clor white on I outlined his beard

Julia recognized the Matterhorn right away

Jackie also got artistic with the cheese and sausage

    I am just surprised they don't save my art and hang it on the fridge.

Peace and Love

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