Thursday, December 16, 2021

mumbo jumbo

I am sharing a voice mail I got today 

_______ _____ _____ I will take what I was doing I have don't see it._____  _______  OK, I don't see him....Just give me a little help to bring a list.  Hello Siri.....a....I don't really see you love you love you love you some things are ______ _____ said you can deliver and a Sanders this is Leslie first ____ the ___ ___ of that wireless asking them a little OK You're trying to get to the phone I got it was a little ringing.  Ok, who are you check you got the number that you want to dial so uncle......

    And then it stopped.

    The caller's number was not familiar to me.  I think someone butt dialed my number, and the message they left might have been a conversation with someone on another phone.

    Anyway......I have had about 6 voice messages from Comcast regarding my service appointment tomorrow. 

    And I learned something today.

    Long strory.  We have a tv downstairs.  I nornmally watch it during the winter, but when summer comes, I usually am outside or watching the Cubs with Jackie.

    When Julia came home, she went downstairs to watch tv and .... nothing.  Just an error message that the signal is not being received.

    Contacted Comcast, or XFinity...whatever.  Explained the problem.  The call got cut off.  Recontacted Comcast.  Talked to a really nice lady who re-sent the signal.  During our wait, she asked me about my holiday and what I was doing for Christmas.  I told her, and asked her what she was doing.

    She has only been at this call center 3 months and will be working Christmas Day.  She said she was not too upset, because she is a single mother and is working to make life better for her son.

    She told me sometimes callers ask for another agent because her English is not so good.  I told her I understood her, but she should keep in mind that older folks like me have a tough time understanding accents because of hearing losses.  Then she told me she learned English by watching Netflix.

    Anyway, signal re-sent....nothing.  So she told me she would re-send a different signal that may take several hours.  Fast forward 4 hours.  Nothing.

    Contacted Comcast again.  Explained problem.  He said he would re-send the signal and I said that had been done 3 times.  So he scheduled a technician to come out and check out the problem.

    Tomorrow the tech comes, but I think I know the problem.

    When a tech called me today, I explained the problem again and he asked me a question.  Since I don't watch the tv during the summer, do I unplug it?  I said yes and he said the cable box gets reset often at night, and if there is no power, it can't be reset.  So my box probably has to be reset, which only a techie can do.

    So the moral of the story is:  don't be a cheap ass and unplug your tv because it may not work 6 months later.

Peace and Love

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