Thursday, December 2, 2021

lost is found

 I found my missing jacket

    I thought I should coat my outdoor furniture now, that way I don't have to worry about it next spring.  I will be able to just take it out.

    Since it was a little warmer today, I went out to coat the stuff.  I decided to put a blue plastic tarp down so I would not sprinkle the floor with oil and my coat was on top of the tarp.

    Honestly, I thought I threw out the tarp a month ago!

    And my coat is blue, not gray.  Now I have it again and I am happy.

    I had 6 errands to do today:  drop off some things at Hope, stop at the utilities with my last rebate application, drop off Tony's raffle ticket at the museum, get gas in the car, pick up a couple of things at Walmart, get more oil at Ace in case I can do a second coat tomorrow, pick up a couple of lottery tickets and grab a coffee at Cypress House.

    Imagine my surprise when I got out of the car at my first stop and discovered I did not have my wallet.  So I hit all the places that did not require any payment.  When I got home, I decided to just finish the list tomorrow.  

    Tonight I went to Emily and John's to feed and let out the dogs  because E an J  are at a play.  Imagine my surprise when I startled 3 deer grazing in the grass in my front yard!

    The hopped across the street and just watched me as I drove off.  I have not seen many deer lately, and don't think I have ever seen them in the front yard.

    One of these days I am just going to be able to sit and read or watch a movie.  But right now it seems I have a ton of stuff to do. At least I don't get bored, just tired.

Peace and Love

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