Tuesday, December 28, 2021


That's my new nickname after the holidays 

    I may have gained 150 pounds in the past week.  I have so much gas, you could launch me and use me for aerial coverage of football games.

    I have devoured cookies, candy, hot chocolate, cookies, more candy, turkey, ham, beef, more cookies.....OMG, I can't stop!

    If I see it, I eat it.  I guess that is literally a see food diet.  Throw in some egg nog and you can guess why I have had stomach issues the past couple of days.  

    I am out of control.

    We had my nephew Mike, wife Megan and their boys Ben and Michael here for a visit today.  They live in Switzerland and I did not get a chance to see them when I was there.

    We had some beef from Portillo's and ...... chocolate cake!  Of course, I ate some.  Then some more.  But it tasted so good.

    It was great catching up with them.  The boys have gotten tall!  They went over for 3 years alnost 10 years ago....could have been 2011 or 2014, I can't remember.  It seems 3 years in Switzerland does not translate to 3 years.  Julia went for 3 and stayed for nearly 20.

    Now I need to start cleaning up.  I have boxes all over the place.  I will be cutting them up to put down in my expanded wildflower garden in May.  Plus I have to look through all the tossed Christmas wrapping paper for my Starbucks gift card.  I know I will find it. 

    And I think the tree will  be going down soon also.  It is dropping a lot of needles.  Normally I hate taking trees down, but this one just isn't lasting.  I did forget to close the heating vent behind it, which may be part of he problem.

    3 more days to 2021.  It seems like it just started.  The past 2 years have been a real challenge, I  hope better days are ahead.

Peace and Love

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