Monday, December 13, 2021

dippy do

 I had a man come out to look at my yard

    When I mow, it is like a roller coaster.  There are more ups and downs in my yard then there are in a Bears' game.

    My septic lines has settled a little.  Not a lot, but enough to give me a headache when I mow....which is often.

    Hence, the man with the clipboard in my yard today.

    The first thing he said was he was surprised the landscaper didn't put a mound of dirt over the septic lines and let it settle.  I said he did.  But it  settled more.

    I have thought about getting some dirt and doing it myself, but I have thought about it for at least 6 years.  I am not going to ever do that.  And who knows, if the price is wrong I won't do it at all.

    We had a quiet anniversary day.....PT visit, couple of loads of laundry, sanding my table for another coat, walking around in a light coat on a very nice day.  Lots of normal stuff.

    At some point we will get winter.  I am just not sure when.  I don't think anyone is.

    I still have to hang pictures in the den, I know which ones I am putting back, just not sure where they are going.  Julia and Emily may give me some advice because I have a tendency to just hang them anywhere.  I need some structure.

    Anyway, that's my life today.

    Hope you had a great Dec. 13....Friday came on a Monday this month!

Peace and Love

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