Friday, December 31, 2021


Our last minute New Year's Eve party is a bust 

    None of the people we invited could attend.

    Michelle and  Barak had plans, Sir Elton and Sir Paul were performing, Sir Richard was munching on drumsticks, Jennifer was with her friends......all of them either ignored or declined our requests.

    So Jackie and I are spending a quiet night with Julia...well, Julia is downstairs watching a movie while I am in the den and Jackie is on the Hallmark channel because Christmas seems to have an endless supply of movies.  So I guess we are spending a quiet evening together in separate rooms.

    But, the quiet is fine with me.  Usually we spend it with friends, playing games, laughing, having some alcohol, eating food..... but for the second year in a row we have elected to not do that because of the fear we will get sick.  Thank you, Covid, for ruining another year.

    We did watch an episode of Ted Lasso and I have to say, it was one of the best episodes I have seen!  It was Christmas in season 2 and just featured a neat plot line.  We were a little late catching on to Ted, but it's a good show.  It is interesting to see how the characters grow and change from episode one.....all because of Ted, I believe.  And good writers.

    Anyhow, I hope you all have a Happy New Year and that 2022 is better for all of us.  I hope for a healthier, happier, kinder year for all of without insurresctions and pandemics.

Peace and Love

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