Sunday, December 5, 2021

odds and ends

 That pretty much sums up my day

    I finished a lot of little things.  Not all of them, just several.

    Jackie and I worked on Christmas cards today.  I lost my contact list on the computer and thought we could just hand address cards.

    But our handwriting is so terrible, that it seemed a better choice for me to recreate the list.

    Of the first 10 entries, I had 1 correct one.  Misspelled names, missed capitals, I abbreviated Illinois IUAL several times.  I think my fingers are just too fat for the keys, but that does not impact the A key unless I was shifting......

    I am glad it was a dreary day!  Finished a bathroom cleaning and a closet arrangement.  Tomorrow I hope to tackle another closet and find out what is hidden in the back.  

    I say that because I found several containers of disinfectant wipes.....7 to be exact... which means I really don't have to keep buying them.

    I also have collected 6 64 oz containers of Tide.  Target had a deal where if you buy 3 at $11.99 each you get a $10 gift card, which actually lowers the price to  around $8.99 each, which is a good deal.  And Tide does not go bad, right?

    I won't mention the paper towel and toilet paper situation.  It is getting out of hand again.  I have to resist the urge to buy.

    We also got in a brief chat with Julia, who is coming home Wednesday.  She sold her car today, which is great news!  Now she just has to get a Covid test to fly.

    We will be glad to have her home.

Peace and Love


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