Saturday, December 18, 2021

fun days

 Today was a pretty fun day

    Camryn came over and working with Julia, frosted the sugar cookies Jackie and I made yesterday

    And Julia cooked supper.....a pretty good lasagna with Texas toast garlic bread.  I opened a bottle of chianti and Emily and John brought little bundt cakes for dessert.

    I ate too much.  I may have had too much wine, I can't tell yet because the words all look right and I seem to be making sense.

    Tomorrow Jackie and I start wrapping presents.  That is always a challenging day because I really don't like wrapping presents.  I find it tedious and a waste of paper.

    A few years ago I bought an end roll of newsprint from the paper and all of my presents get wrapped in that, usually on Christmas Eve with a couple of glasses of egg nog, some cookies, and "It's a Wonderful Life" on  the TV.

    After I wrap them, I draw on them.  All sorts of things like trees, houses, mountains, stars....whatever seems to fit the package.  That I like doing because it is only a few presents and I am eating cookies.

    Anyway, I hope you had a pretty good day too!

Peace and Love

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