Thursday, December 30, 2021

next year....

I don't think I will be making any resolutions 

    I never keep them.  So, why bother to make them?

    Instead, I am going to set some goals.

            Finish the three books I am working on, and sending one of them off to a publisher.

            Memorize my part for Tuna Las Vegas, coming to you in August.

            Get rid of stuff I don't need or want anymore.

            Get four trees planted.

            Finish my wildflower garden in the back of the yard.

    Those sound suspicously like resolutions. 

    Notice, losing weight, exercising,  saving money, keeping my car clean, are not resolutions because I have said that every year and my car is a mess, I am fat, out of shape and certainly not in the Elon Musk class of people.

    So, goals.

    Now they are set.  I have pulled out the concrete slabs and chiseled them in.  Now all I have to do is wait 'till next year.  As a Cubs fan, that is something I am very used to doing.

    Have a Happy New Year.......I understand in France you can not say that to people until Jan. 1.  But, I am not in France!

Peace and Love

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