Monday, December 27, 2021

busy, busy day

 This was a pretty active day

    Julia's household goods arrived.  The company called at about 8:15 and they were down at the storage unit.  She went to let them in, watch 4 of them unload the container and load the wine into another truck.

    That truck came to the house and the two men carried the wine to the basement.

    She had about 66 boxes of wine.  Most boxes had 6 bottles, a couple had 112.

    What was neat was they carried the boxes on their backs!  They hunched forward and had the boxes balanced on their backs!  I don't how they got them off carefully, but there were no broken bottles, at least from what we saw.

    As they were making trips through the garage and into the basement, the fireplace guy showed up.  Lately when we run the gas fireplace, it shuts off for a few seconds then comes back on.  That did not see safe, so we had it checked.  It seems we need a new ignition control panel, or something like that.

    After everybody was gone, I had to help her sort the wine.  We have stacks of champagne, white, pink, and red.  When she builds, they will have to be moved again but I don't think it will be by me!

    I spent about an hour looking for a Starbucks gift card John and Emily gave me.  I have the card holder, but no card.  These are the shape of a coffee cup and smaller than the regular card.  So far, I have not found it.  

    I also went to DeKalb to pick up some beef for tomorrow and ended up buying 12 packages of Christmas cookies at Aldi's.  I love these cookies!  I freeze them, and then starting in June or July I take out a package every couple of weeks for my afternoon tea.  

    I don't think our Christmas tree is going to be up much longer.  The needles are dropping like crazy.  We like to keep it up until Jan. 6, but I don't think that will be possible this year.

    And my trial for the day came in Aldi's when my mask got tangled in my eyeglasses and the glasses fell off, and the left elns popped out.  I put it back in, but I don't think it is right.  Guess I call the eye doc tomorrow.

    Finally, we finished season one of Ted Lasso.  It took a while for us to get into the show, and truthfully I have a hard time understanding some of the cast even with my hearing aids.  But we do like it and can't wait until we start season 2.

Peace and Love

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