Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 I got some negative response to a column I wrote

    Each Sunday I do a little opinion piece in the local paper.

    My opinion on vaccinations and encouraging businesses to post signs if their staff have been vaccinated did not sit well with one reader.

    They were pretty outraged and said some bizarre things.  It's the first time I have received mail like that.

    I read a Tribune columnist and he gets lots of "hate" mail, telling him he is worthless, stupid; you know the ilk.  This person wasn't that bad, but they were pretty negative.

    I once wrote the columnist and asked him how he dealt with it....his answer was to develop a thick skin.

    I have not done that.

    So, to counteract all the bad vibes, here are some good ones.

    To Emily, who keeps us in line with perscription questions and buys stuff from us at Costco, and who comforted me when I was told I had cancer,

    To son in law John, who keeps our computers working and is always there to pick up Jackie, or move furniture.  You are invaluable to us!

    To Julia, who keeps us in chocolate and Swiss wine and who had to get awakened from a deep sleep to help get her mom into bed.  From the floor.  Mom, not Julia.   Don't ask.

    To Jackie, who puts up with my endless sarcasm and dumb remarks.  Well, almost puts up with them.

    To Camryn, who reminds me what it is to be young and full of optimism and plans for the future.

    To friends I have known since high school who are content to talk to me about pretty much nothing and anything and everything at the same time.  I treasure those conversations.

    To my brother and brother in law in Florida, and their wives,  who keep us up to date on high temps, bugs, gaters, lizards and whatever weirdness is in the Florida news.

    To my other family members..in laws, cousins, nephews, neices, grand neices, grand nephews, second cousins....   We may nto talk very often, but know I miss you and really wish we had more time together.  

    To my Rochelle and area friends, who have always treated me better than I have deserved.  You are all good people and I value your friendship and kindness you all show toward me.

    To my theater friends, who put up with my missed lines, wrong entrances, wrong exits and my tendency to say lines backwards.

    To my Exit 99ers, who make me laugh and boost my spirits whenever I am with them...or even thinking of them.

    To all my teacher friends, I  envy the job you are doing through these troubled times.  I could never do what you are doing.  And you keep doing it!  

    To my retired teacher friends, who have discovered new interests and have travelled to distant places.  Good for you!  Keep on moving!

     To all of you who read this drivel about my life.  I know your time is valuable and I appreciate that you spend some of it with me, whether daily, or weekly, or just once in a while.  

    Finally, to the person who wrote me.  I know you will never read this, but I do hope you stay well and healthy, and your family too.

Peace and Love

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