Friday, December 24, 2021

'twas the night before Christmas

 And I am getting ready

    I have my egg nog with a little rum, I know where "It's a Wonderful Life" is, the basement is free for me to wrap presents, and most of the cooking for tomorrow is done.

    Jackie and I went to church tonight, for the first time since Covid raised it's ugly head.  It was great to see the people in person.  Many have gotten taller, all are a little older, some a little chunkier (me!) but all were welcome faces.

    I have once again struggled with gifts, never knowing which is too much and which is too little and which is just too weird.  I know it is not the giving, or the receiving, but the reason for the season that is the most important.

    At the same time I also get sad.  We have ample, but many people are struggling now.  Families are homeless, people are hungry, and we are all a little bit anxious as to what the new year will bring.

    Truthfully, I miss the family that can't be mom, dad, brother Dennis, and all the aunts and uncles and grandparents that created the Christmas memories I cherish.

    And I rejoice in the family that is here, some near, some far, but always in my heart and thoughts.

    I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and a healthy holiday.  Peace be with you this holiday and each day in the upcoming years.

    And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all.  And to all a good night."

Peace and Love

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