Saturday, December 25, 2021

tired, but happy

 This was a nice Christmas

    Julia, Emily and john did the bulk of hte cooking, the dishwasher did the bulk of the clean up, and it was  a great day.

    We got to talk to relatives via Facetime and Skype, had friends over for dinner, opened lots of neat presents, and I only got upset once.  Technology frustrates me, and during one of our computer times I  got very upset at my lack of knowledge of how things work.  Other people figured out the problem, and they will work with me to prevent that problem from happening again.  I think it is called learning.

    But the day was great.  

    Now I am hungry, tired, and happy.  It was even less stressful than normal because Julia is not leaving in a week.  And that is a great gift.

    Hope you had a Merry, let's get a New Year going that is healthy and happy!

Peace and Love

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