Monday, February 1, 2021

 I think people have gone off their rockers

    What happened go us?  Are we as a people just plain stupid?

    These are things I have read that people are believing in,  or have believed in, which should concern all of us.

    The Earth is flat.

    The Covid vaccine has a Bill Gates created chip that will allow government to track you.

    The Clintons were behind a plane crash that killed a Kennedy to prevent him from challenging Hillary in 2016.

    Epstein was murdered to prevent him exposing the deep state government run sex ring.

    Wayfair was shipping stolen children to sex rings.  The children were being shipped nation wide in wardrobes the business sold on line.

    Trump has gathered a secret  army of 120,000 and will retake the White House on March 4.

    The contrails high flying jets leave in skies are actually chemicals the government sprays on us to control our minds.

    A group led by a Jewish banker used a high powered space laser to start the horrendous fires in California.

    There really isn't a sky, the government has installed a blue shield to prevent people from seeing God.

    Serously!!  Granted, a couple of these were from a rather delusional pharmacist in Wisconsin, (the blue shield was his) and some of these are from a rather delusional congressional representative from Georgia, but people believe them.

    We know they do, because some guy went to a pizza parlor in Washington DC and fired a couple of rounds off because he wanted to break up the children's sex ring Hillalry was operating in the basement of the pizza parlor.  

    How freaking stupid can people be?  And how stupid will they continue to be?

    I just hope someone doesn't tell them to drink Kool-Aid or bleach....that could be disasterous.

    Actually, I started this thinking that it would give people a laugh.  Now I am thinking it will give nightmares instead.

    Keep safe.  Keep healthy.  Pray for sanity.

Peace and Love

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