Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 I just can't gmaintain a routine

    For two days I got into the exercise/chores/duties/fun things to do routine, but today was not one for the routine.

    I went to bed with a headache.  I woke up with a headache and a little dizziness.  My gut tells me I have a migraine.  Instead of going for a walk at the rec center, I took a 2 hour nap, which seemed to help.  But I still have a bit of a headache although the dizziness is gone.

    I planned tomorrow a week in advance.

    PT in the afternoon, stop and pick up dog med and food at the vets, stop at a grocery store, hit Starbucks.  However that whole plan may be in the  trash because of the weather.  Plus I got a call that my therapist is out for a couple of days.  But I  still hope go to DeKalb in the afternoon........maybe.

    The forecast is for ice, snow, ice and wind with cold temperatures.  So the 5 gallon bucket I filled for last week's storm and just emptied Monday is getting refilled tonight.  

    The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.  Was that Shakespeare?  I honestly can't remember tonight....kind of foggy upstairs.

    Speaking of foggy, it was beautiful this morning.  White trees and bushes and pretty much a white cloud hovering just inches above the Earth.  I am glad I did not have to drive in it.

    Jackie and I were scheduled for Covid shots Friday morning, but they called and rescheduled us for Friday afternoon because of the weather.  I just hope it is clear by then.

    Stay happy.  Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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