Sunday, February 21, 2021


I am not exactly a clothes horse 

    I was looking through my extensive wardrobe and nticed I had 3 pairs of normal pants plus my  jeans.  Well, technically I have 2 pairs of normal pants because the third pair is my zoo pants.  (or is it are my zoo pants?  I find the older I get, the more confused or uncertain I am of correctness in the written word)

    I have a lot of neat sweaters and long sleeved tops, plus a couple of racks of short sleeved shirts.

    If they all disappeared tomorrow, I would be ok because since the end of November I have spent most of my time in lounge pants and thermal shirts.  Jackie asked me the other day why I had worn my Paris themed long sleeved shirt again, which kind of indicated to me I maybe need to vary my clothes.

    But honestly, I don't go anywhere.  Who does?

    Before Covid, I had meetings, church, or functions to go to and would wear my sweaters and nicer long sleeved tops, but I have not been out to any of those for about a year.  

    Same with pants.  And sadly, I have 5 pairs of jeans but two pairs are really more of a summer weight and are a little too thin to wear outside in the winter.

    I also admit I wear the jeans longer than I should.  Jackie says two days is long enough....but I sometimes have them on for five or more, unless they are dirty or standing in a corner by themselves.  And sometimes I only wear them one day before I wash them.  I am a complex person.

    I got up in the middle of the night and my bare foot hit a cold spot on the little rug next to the bed.  

    My first thought was Corki had an accident.  My second thought was she threw up. 

    I also had a fleeting thought of the dream I had where I was on a boat and had to pee, so I just went over the side.  Was it a dream or did I actually wet the floor?

    In any case, it was not a big spot and I did not want to wake Jackie and clean it.

    So I went back to bed.  I don't remember why I got up in the first place!

    In the morning I got up and my foot hit the same cold spot.  Turned out to be a quarter that I dropped.  Go figure.

    I once had an argument with a girl I dated.  She was cheating on me.  I called her a two bit whore and she gave me a black eye.  She hit me with her bag of quarters.  (Feel free not to laugh, it was funny 100 years ago.)

    Stay dry.  Stay safe.  Stay healthy,.

Peace and Love

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