Tuesday, February 9, 2021

day.....oh, my......239

 What a day

    I am emotionally worn out.

    I had a urologist appointment today.  Just a follow up on my surgery and a recent blood test.  All is fine.  I am progressing nicely.

    Then my world started to fall apart.

    I dropped my hearing aids off for a cleaning.  The lady said they would be ready later today, but I said I would not be picking them up until tomorrow.  No problem, she said.

    I wondered how much it will cost.  This is what I said:

    "Can you tell me hominy....hominy....hominy"  at least 3 times, while watching her face start to turn to one of fear that a raving lunatic was in her office.   I finally shut up, collected my self, and asked, "How much?  How much will it cost?"  Then I quickly left.

    Next I went to the vet to pick up some allergy meds for Corki and a bag of food.  Due to Covid, I can't go in.  Instead, I call, tell them I am here, read off a credit card and wait for them to put the goods outside on a bench.

    Picked up everything and headed for my next stop, a grocery store that had some nice sales.

    I went into the store, walked up to the courtesy counter and told the Pretty Young Things working that I could not figure out how to load the app so I could download digital coupons.  They set up my account and away I went.

    Put some romaine lettuce, apples, and broccoli in my cart and went to the meat counter looking for the sale items.  I did not see them.  The man behind the counter said the sale did not start until tomorrow.  Oops.

    In the mean time, I had stuffed my gloves in a coat pocket.  Realizing I also put my glasses in the same coat pocket because they steam up so much I feel like I am in a fog, I took out my glasses.  But at this point, it was glass because the right lens was not where it was supposed to be.

    So I spent a few minutes trying to snap the lens back in place.

    Successful, away I went.

    So the frozen pot pies, yogurt, and other items on sale would have to wait.  Seeing as we will be in DeKalb again tomorrow, no big deal.

    I went to pay for the produce.  I reached into my pocket and.......no wallet.

    Checked  my pockets.  I pushed the cart over to the side and went out to the car, because I had probably left the wallet on the car seat after using the credit card at the vet.  

    Nope.  Not on the seat.  Not under the seat, which is how I got my knees wet.  Not in the console.  Or back seat.  Check my pockets again.  Nope.

    Maybe, just maybe, I had it out at the service counter.....or left it in the cart.

    No one at the service counter.  I went to where the cart was and.....the damn cart was gone!

    One of the Pretty Young Things that helped me with the ap was walking toward the produce section with my brocolli, lettuce and apples.

    "I was going to buy those."

    Oh, I'm sorry. We thought someone just left the cart.

    "I did...because I thought I left my wallet in the car but I didn't and I can't find my wallet so I can't buy them.  Did anyone turn in a wallet?"

    No one did.  We walked the route I took through the store...no wallet.

    She took my name and number and said she would call if anyone turned it in.

    I went to the parking lot, looked under the seats again, under the car, around the car.

    I called the vet.  I explained maybe I had dropped it in the parking lot.

    I was put on hold, someone went out to look, came back and said, "No wallet but we found the reciept we printed for you."

    Now in addition to being an idiot I was a litterbug.

    I was literally sick to my stomach.  I would have to call Jackie and tell her to cancel all the cards, but she would not be able to get to her purse to do that, and would only worry, so I figured I would just go home.

    I reached into my pocket for my car key.....and there was my freaking wallet!!!  The damn thing was in my coat pocket all the time!!  I looked there.  Twice.  How in the hell did I do that?

    So, to calm me down I went to Starbucks.  Nothing like a heavy dose of caffeine to soothe the nerves, eh? Placed my order, drove up to the window and the young man said the lady in front of me paid for my coffee.   How nice.  I said, well, I'll pass it on and pay for the guy behind me.

    Fitting for the day, his order was more expensive than mine.  By 44 cents. 

    Enjoyed my coffee, stopped at the eye doctor's and had my lens reinserted properly and the screws tightened,  Facetimed my BIL and SIL in Florida, took Corki in  for a grooming and right about now need something strong to drink.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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