Wednesday, February 10, 2021

day....oh my!.....340

 If I could turn back time....

    Well, it seems I did and Sharon was the only one who noticed!

    I have been typing 2 instead of 3 for about a week  now.  Not on purpose, purely by accident.  Hell, I didn't notice it but Sharon thank you.  The days are correct now.  I think.

    It is hard to believe we are coming up on a year of Covid.  My count did not start with the initial beginning of Covid...but seveeral days after.

    What have we learned in the past year?

    Zoom meetings can be chaotic, fun, informative and bring back memmries of Hollywood Squares or The Brady Bunch.

    Work can be done from home in many cases.  But you can't go around distracting colleagues in the office or having your lunch stolen as happens in an office.

    Pants are optional and lounge pants are comfortable during Zoom meetings.  But if you are not wearing pants, don't stand up with the camera on.

    Toilet paper is a finite commodity.

    Handwashing is a tgood thing and should be done by everyone who goes to the bathroom.  Every. Time.

    Wearing a facmask into a bank seems Bonnie and Clydish.

    People can be jerks when told to wear a mask.  In a sense, a mask may unmask someone's terrible side.

    I use a lot less gas in the cars.

    The ability to go places and travel is not over rated at all.

    Everybody needs somebody, sometime.  Everybody needs someone, somehow.  Dean Martin sang that 60 years ago but it is still true.  Or I think he sang something close to that.

    No one notices you talking to yourself when you are wearing a you can say outragous things then look at someone else and shake your head in disgust.

    Being isolated is a lousy way to live  life.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay sane.

Peace and Love

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