Wednesday, February 24, 2021's wear.........354

 I took Jackie to the MS specialist today

    His office is in the suburbs, in a 10 story building.  Gooooollley!  10 stories!!They sure do build e'm big in the city!

    Years ago Jackie,  Julia and Emily and I went to see "Rent" in downtown Cbhicago.  At some point, Jackie had her purse pick pocketed.  In hindsight, I remember her looking at a menu in a restaurant and a man stood on her right and a woman on her left, also looking at the menu.

    Before the show, we went into a restaurant and ate.  When the bill came, I jokingly said to her, "Your turn to pay...I always do."  She opened her purse and..... no wallet.

    I went back to the car to see if if fell out, but it was nowhere to be seen.  So we called the credit card companies and cancelled the cards,  The Visa folks asked if we had a daughter or son using the card at that moment in Fields (it was you know it was years ago)  because they had a charge coming  through as we were on the phone.  We said no, they cancelled the charge.  The gas card had something like $76 in charges at a south loop gas station....we figured somebody was selling gas bought on our card for gas.

    After the play, we went  to a police station to make a written report.

    The officer behind the desk was taking the report and asked our address, I told him, and he said, "Oh, in to the big city for the day, huh?"

    I looked at him and said in my best idiot voice, "Yes.....and they were right!  When you stand at the bottom of a big building and look up it DOES look like it's  falling right on top of you!"

    I thought it was funny.  

    Anyway, we get the office building today and I hit the up button and the elevator door opens, so I push Jackie into the car.  (She is in a wheelchair, relax!)  I hit 7.  Jackie asks if that was the floor listed on the directory, and I said I did not look at the directory because the elevator was there but I was sure it was 7.

    We get off the elevator, turn right and look at a law office.  Hmm.

    Jackie said she thought it was 9, not 7. 

    Wait for an elevator, get on, hit 9.  Get off and step into an oncologist's office.

    Young man at the check in table thinks our doctor is on 8.

    Back in the elevator, hit 8 and Bingo!  Right floor.

    I guess we would have just worked our way down if that was the wrong floor.  We both knew it was not the top floor.

    Anyway, just goes to show you life has its ups and downs.

    Stay happy.  Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

    And  now for something special.

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