Thursday, February 4, 2021

day......whooooo eee!...... 234

 I have a tough decision to make tonight

    Take out the garbage or not?

    We are supposed to have 30 mph winds, which could make it hard for the trash to stay in place.  Plus, the snowplow will surely come by and possibly bury the trash.  Finally, last week the snow prevented normal trash collection and they came the next day.

    Decisions, decisions, decisions.

    I didn't put the recycles out last night, but I got up at 6:30  AM to take them out today.

    I saw the sunrise.....I think.  The sky was bright red, and I thought, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky at morning, sailor take warning."  That's because the red sky at morning is supposed to signify windy, stormy weather.  Certainly true today.

    I got to thinking of other sayings that could be, but aren't.

    Clear sky at night, stars delight; no stars in sight, hang on tight.

    Catchy, huh?

    Or this:  Sun burning bright, bathers delight; sun behind clouds, sweatshirts allowed.

    I'm pretty good at this!

    One more:  Clouds look like cotton, weather won't be rotten; clouds look like an anvil, weathers a handful.

    Oh Oh:  Clouds look like flowers, enjoy the showers:  cloud looks like a mushroom, kiss your sweet ass goodbye.


    Stay warm tonight.  Stay in.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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