Sunday, February 7, 2021


 It was not exactly the Super Bowl I expected

    I honestly thought the Chiefs would win.  Oh well, there is some comfort in the fact the Bears beat Tampa Bay this year.  

    I blew the driveway today, at least as much as I could.  We have a guy who plows when it snows 2 inches.  But the blowing snow left some drifting in the driveway, so I tried cleaning it off.

    While outside, I also blew a path through the grass so Corki can do her business without sinking into the snow.

    Despite the freezing cold , I was warm.  I had on long underwear, two pairs of socks, a Swiss knit hat that keeps my head toasty, and a facemask, because it really helps keeping me warm.

    We Skyped with Julia, Emily stopped in for a visit, I cooked a couple of little steaks for all in all, it was a pretty good day.

    Hope yours was too.

    Stay warm.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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