Monday, February 15, 2021

day...dis an dat......345

 Just a lot on my mind tonight

    Verizon runs a commercial pushing its 5 G network and says, "It's available in parts of many cities."  Really?  Parts?   Many, not all? Hardly sounds like a selling point to me.

    I was in a local store picking up flowers for Jackie on Saturday.  Another man came in and was browsing for a gift.  He picked up a box of chocolates and asked: how much?

    Clerk benind counter, "They are all different prices but they should be marked on the bottom."

    Man turns over box.  Stares.  "Yikes....I don't like her that much."

    I went to the rec center to walk today.  My plan four weeks ago was to go at 1:30 or so every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I think I have gone 3 Mondays, and one Friday.   4 out of baseball that's .333, which is a good average.  But not for walking.

    A young lady works there who is not a former student, but someone I have known literally all her life.

    She will not call me Terry.  Ever.  I have told her she can, but she says she just can't do that.

    I respect that and don't bug her about it anymore.

    The rec center has a reservation system because of Covid.  I made my reservation on line.  I went up to the counter and said I have a reservation for the walking track.

    A different girl asked my last name, I said "Dickow."   Then a voice chimes in, "First name, Mister."

    She cracked me up.

    I learned a lesson about coooking today.  We had Sloppy Joe's (yes, Bethy, I forgot some in the freezer and found it Sunday.) and I made fried potatoes.  I cubed the taters, threw in some onion, some bacon bits, and cooked it all in my cast iron skillet.  I should have put the onions in latter, because they were pretty black when I served the meal.  Crunchy, but black.

    That's about it from my world....sure it's colder than crap, (which, ironically, is usually very warm) windy, blowing snow, below zero temps, minus 20 windchills.....but the one thing keeping me sane is pitchers and catchers report Wednesday.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  We are more than halfway through February.

Peace and Love

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