Friday, February 19, 2021


What's that they say about best laid plans?

    I had an appointment with a retina specialist in Sycamore today.  I go to him because I have a small "hole" in my retina, similar to macular degeneration.  

    I have two appointments a year to keep track of the progression of the spot.  It has not changed in the past two or three years.  But it does cause me to misread  and mistype things on occasion.

    The office called and reminded me to bring a referral.  I contacted my primary and asked for a referral.  I went in for a blood test in the office and picked up the referral.

    I checked to make sure it was for the right doctor.  It was.

    This appointment was made 6 months ago because the specialist is only in Sycamore on Fridays.

    I get ready to go, Jackie reminds me to take the referral, still in the envelope from my doctor's office, I get in my Honda and go.

    I arrive 10 minutes before the appointment, give the nice lady at the desk my referral, go to the self check in kiosk and in the middle of all of it I hear a voice calling, "Terry....Terry"

    I spin around thinking someone is behind me.....picture a 70 year old top who is hearing voices and looking for the source.

    On one of my rotations I see the young lady behind the counter waving to me.

    That makes sense...who else knows I am there?  I should have looked there first.

    I go over and she politely tells me, "This referral expired in December."

    To which I said, "Shit, I just picked the damn thing up."  Tried calling the doctor's office to see if they could fax over the correct one, but no one is there on Fridays.  And the eye guy staff can't find a referral that was supposed to be faxed over last week.

    I had to reschedule.  And I have to get a referral that is current.

    It was just frustrating.  I had a frappachino, which helped soothe my anger, then drove home.  

    Except........I went a different route.  I took a road that looked paved, but about a mile after the intersection it turned to a snow covered sheet of ice  with massive piles of snow in areas where there were drifts.  If I had had a mishap, no one would have found  me until the spring melt.

    Now I worry that someone will send me a no show bill, even though I showed. 

    On the positive side, I got a frappachino, walked a mile at the rec center, priced new televisions, and enjoyed a cheap thrill on an icy road.

    Not a bad afternoon.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Watch out for shovelable snow Sunday.

Peace and Love 

The pile of snow at the end of the is over my head.  

This is what happens when you put the camera in your pocket and accidentally hit the shutter button.  27 times.  Just like this.  


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