Thursday, February 18, 2021

day....oh, my!.....348

 I was truly impressed today

    Seven months ago Perseverance was launched.  Years of planning by hundreds, if not thousands, of people went into the design and engineering of this Mars rover.

    Today, at about 3 p.m. our time, it landed on Mars.  Perseverance made the 300 million mile journey in about 7 months and landed where and how it was supposed to land.

    Truly amazing.  The engineering, math, physics, and all the other disciplines that went into this boggles my mind.

    Consider the knowledge that went into the mission.

    Then answer these questions:

    Why don't people know how to wear face masks correctly?  Cover your nose!

    Why do people turn left but not from the left turn lane?

    Why don't people know how to use a turn signal?

    Can't we build a better plastic bag that doesn't get caught on trees or in whales' mouths?

    Why can't we get some people to understand I don't want an extended warranty on my car?

    Why do I have to pay for air at a gas station?

    Why does my wife get upset when she asks for a Kleenex and I tell her we don't have any?  Then I hand her a Puff's tissue.

    Why does my dog have to go out wheever I sit down with my food?

    Why do people answer the phone if they "can't talk right now?"

    Why does Siri answer whenever Jackie says, "Hey Terry?"

    Why do health care people always tell me the shot is going to hurt a little?  It's a freakin needle going into my arm, I KNOW it's going to hurt.

    Why do people keep parking in the fire lanes at stores?  

    Hey, this is pretty good for my supressed anger.  I am more relaxed, calm, quiet.  I may even get to sleep tonight.

    Thanks for listening.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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