Monday, February 22, 2021

day.....oh oh........352

 Last night's blog got me into a bit of trouble

    Let's just say there was a discussion of my, how do I say it, wardrobe cleanliness.  Someone suggested that 2 days for jeans is acceptable,  3 days of the jeans is long enough, 4 is pushing it and 5 or more is.....well, less than desired.

    So I am ordering more jeans.

    So goes life.

    I managed to get in a little over a mile on the indoor track at the rec center today.  I found that much more than a mile puts my right hip on fire, especially when I go to bed.  Some nights I use Icy Hot and a heating pad, with a couple of ibuprofin, and the pain is tolerable.

    That scares me, because I am not wanting to go to an artho guy for advice but the pain sometimes wakes me up.  

    Here I go again, talking about my medical problems.   Geez.

    I have met a former coworker a couple of times on the track.  It's great to walk with someone and talk about the joys of not teaching during these challenging times.

    Tomorrow I am going to do something either very stupid or very smart.  

    My patio has a lot of snow.  I plan to start the snowblower, drag it up onto the patio and then blow the snow off.  

    This could result in several actions.

    I could aim it thw wrong way and put out a window.

    Ice could ricochet off the railing and put my eye out, just like a Red Ryder.

    I could scare away all the birds who rest in the bush by the patio and provide Jackie and I some entertainment when they hit the feeders.

    I could slip on the icy steps and get my head caught in the blower.

    I could clear the patio without any problem.

    I am betting on the last one to be the true one.

    But just in case, if you see the hospital helicopter hovering (notice the alliteration?) over my house, you will know it did not go well.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Enjoy the weather.

Peace and Love

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