Tuesday, February 16, 2021

day......damn it......346

 Sometimes I am to damn smart

    Back to that in a minute.

    I am almost finished with my puzzle....just 32 pieces to place.  But I am having a heck of a time with the 32!  Nothing seems to want to go where I want it to go.

    Doing puzzles was never on my radar until a few years ago when the girls gave me some for Christmas.  I am now on number  6, but it is not going well.  I can't help but think I am off somewhere (besides my head) but just can't see it.

    I went out and cleared the sidewalk with the snowblower today.  We had more snow than I thought.  I also cleared a path for Corki, since there seems to be over a foot of snow on the ground.  

    I blew an area I had cleared previously, which mean frozen turds were airborn all over the yard.

    Years ago, when we had Snootie, I used a snowblower on our driveway on Mill Pond.  It was gravel and we had a lot of snow.  Snootie would go out, do her business, and come back into the house.

    I blew the driveway and was not paying attention.  In the spring, there were brown globs on the garage roof, the remains of the frozen dog poop that was shot onto the roof.  I don't know why I was blowing it that direction, must have been a rookie with the snowblower.

    Now.....here is why I am too smart for my own good.

    We have a broken toilet seat.  I called the plumber and told them I needed a seat, but just to be safe, would like two.  (Don't ask.  I can't explain.)

    Jackie is listening.  The nice lady asks what kind, and I say elongated.  Jackie says, we have round.

    No, I answer in my all knowing voice.  We have elongated.  I got round before and they do not fit.  I ended up taking them back and switching for the elongated.  I know what I am doing.

    I went and picked up the new toilet seats, took them home, opened it up.

    I will be exchanging them for the round ones tomorrow.  

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay warm.

Peace and Love

32 pieces to go......tomorrow?

Guess who was rubbing her face in the snow????  Isn't she a cutie!!!

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