Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 Sometimes I feel I am in the movie Groundhog Day

    I do the same thing every morning and every afternoon.  Nothing seems to change.

    At least while teaching things were always different in some way.  Not now.  Get up.  Help Jackie.  Make the bed.  Make breakfast. Put in laundry.  Make lunch.  Work on a puzzle.  Do my PT exercises. Snack.

    I do read the Trib on line and check Facebook most days, but FB not until later at night.  

    It's almost a treat to go to the store or physical therapy!


    I went to Walgreen's today because it is the first Tuesday, which means seniors get a small discount  I figured I only was getting a couple of things and didn't need a cart.

    Before I knew it, I was at the back of the store holding an armload of items, and dropping them.  When I picked one up, another dropped.  People were looking at me.

    Having recently developed the ability to read minds, this is what I "heard,"

    Why didn't that idiot take a cart.

    Look, Mary, he's gonna drop stuff...I bet on it.  (Mary was wearing aluminum foil on her head and I could not read her mind.)  Come to think of it, wny was he thinking that to his wife instead of talking to her?  Hmmmm.  Aliens??

    Clean up on Aisle 3 coming soon.

    Why is that guy buying THAT?

    Two packs of cough drops...hope he doesn't have Covid.

    Nice ass.   (Ok, that one guy might have been focused on  a young woman who passed me.  But I am taking it as my compliment.)(On second thought, no I am not.)

    What an ass.  (Ok, that was the young woman who helped me pick up some items I dropped on the floor.  I am not sure if she was referring to my personality, my posterior, or the young clerk stocking the shelves.  Either way, I am claiming it.)  (And yes, I mean it.)

    There were plenty of other random thoughts zooming through the store, but I had to turn off my ESP abilities because it was just too noisy in my head.

    Ant that my friends, is all.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Peace and Love

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