Saturday, February 6, 2021


 It is so cold outside.....

    How cold is it?

        My dog went out to pee and the yellow icicles are still in the air

        My neighbor's snowman knocked on my door and asked for a hot chocolate

        Squirrels are  covering their nuts with their tails

        You can see the coffee in your breath when you exhale outside

        Wearing a mask to prevent Covid helps keep you warm

        It's colder than  Hell    (a small town in Michigan with a current temperature of 15 as I write this)

        Cows are now giving milk shakes

        Area geese have decided to go south afterall

        The cuckoo in my clock refuses to come out

        The trees are now called brr trees, not fir trees

        Dog poop could be classified as a lethal weapon if launched by a snow blower

        Yetis are wearing coats

        326 children and four drunken men were rescued by emergency crews after getting their tongues stuck to flag poles

        Men are discoving there is a big difference between frigid women and  women who are frigid

        Some one, some where is wearing Big Red tonight

        And that last one proves I am exhausted.  

    Stay warm.  Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

    And seriously, say a prayer for those who are homeless tonight..........I can't imagine what it is like in a tent and sleeping bag tonight.

Peace and Love

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