Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 What a great day today was

    Temperatures in the 40s, sun out, calm winds....it was really a taste of spring. 


    I still have 10 fingers and 14 toes, despite some people having concerns about me usig  the snowblower to  clear the deck.

    Honestly, it was not easy.  The snowblower is heavier than I thought and pulling it  through melting snow was more difficult than I thought.  But I got it to the patio, blew most of the snow off, and now feel much more comfortable with the melt.  I was just afraid it would cause problems either with the patio or in the basement, which is why I cleared it.

    In the middle of doing this I had a phone call.  So I took off my crappy shoes and went into the house, took care of a little business, (when I was younger that had a much different meaning than returning a couple of phone calls) and went out the back door to fill the bird feeders.

    My one crappy shoe was not on all the way, but I figured as I walked the foot would eventually slide into place.  

    Wrong-O, Bigfoot!

    I ended up limping through the snow, with the stuff getting in my shoe.  I got to the garage, put the shoe on correctly. got the bird seed from the garage and headed back out into the yard.

    And in the middle of the snow, holding four containers of different types of bird seed, I lost the shoe.  I wriggled my foot back into it, then limped to the feeders and then back to the garage.  

    Most people, the average sort, would have at some point actually retied the laces so the shoe stayed on.....but noooooooooo.  I just keep slipping the shoe on and having it fall off.

    Some people never learn.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay shoeless, Joe

Peace and Love



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