Thursday, February 25, 2021

day....tea time.....355

 You know I love tea

    I generally have a cup at breakfast, a cup in the afternoon, and usually one at  night.

    It is not all Lipton either.  My pantry looks like a tea shop gone amok.  A disorganized tea shop at that.

    So today I had a tea.  This is one from a gift Emily gave me, an Advent tea calendar.

    I did not know what to expect.  The package game me pause.

    I honestly expected cucumber tea.  The ingrdients were coriander, licorice, anise, cinnamon, ginger and mallow blossoms.   No mention of cucumber.
    It had a greenish aura to it, and I actually liked it.
    So much for first impressions! 
    Huh.......strange.  Notice above the picture when I hit return to start a new paragraph the copy is double spaced  Well, now it does not.  I do not understand.
    I talked to a Tesla owner yesterday.  He is on his second Tesla and loves it.  He had the first one for 5 years and the only maintenance done was adding to the windshield wiper reservoir.  
    He said Musk added a tweak to this generation....when backing up the car makes a  noise like a spaceship in the movies.  When he first heard it, he thought something was wrong with the car.
    Maybe our next car is a Tesla....who knows!
    That's my life.
    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  

Peace and Love

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