Sunday, February 14, 2021


 Sometimes I am a medical care giver

    Actually, I can put a bandage on a sore if needed.

    Jackie has a circulation problem in her left leg.  Sometimes a tiny scratch can cause problems.

    Well, she has a tiny scratch.   I may have scratched her with my newly grown claw when I put on her slippers, or she could have scraped it on something.  But it was reddish, so I felt it should get some attention.

    We can't use bandaids, so if necessary, we use non stick pads and self sticking tape or paper tape.

    I have been putting Neosporin on this scratch for three days and it looks pretty good.  This morning I grabbed the tube from our ointment basket and started to open it.

    But it wasn't Neosporin.  It was something that looked like bactrian, which is the name of a type of camel.  I knew it wasn't camel lotion, or a camel, but I also did not remember it other than seeing it in the basket.

    I gave it to Jackie and told her read the expiration date.


    Our little ointment is almost ready to start middle school!!!

    Realize we have moved it twice!!  No more, though.  I tossed it.  Out.  Gone.

    Which is unusual for me.

    But I also tossed out a pound of little round potatoes because they were growing and very, very soft.  I bought them for raclette and fondue when Julia was home, but because of all the crap we were going through we never had either.  (And tossed out is questionable...I put them in my garage compost bucket so when the thaw comes I can add it to the compost pile.)

    Keeping up with the get rid of mood, I tossed out (recycled, actually) a year of National Geographics.  These were from 2014.  I saved them because the zoo always needed animal pictures for projects.  But.....and here's a big but..... I have not cut out the pictures in 6 years, so the likelihood of me doing so now is pretty low, especially considering I have no idea when, or if, I will be going back.

    Besides....I still have a couple of years on the closet shelf if I ever feel like cutting out pictures.

    I am not holding my breath.

    Hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day.  I was going to abbreviate it and say Happy VD ..... but VD is not something to be happy about.

    Stay warm.  Watch for more snow this week.  Be safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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