Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Sometimes weriters have to make corrections

    They get the facts wrong, or they make a type that changes the meaning of there message.  Or they use the wrong homonym.

    Thus....I have a couple of corrections.

    Yesterday I said the recovery room nurses, Beth and Colleen, were wearning Chicago Bears masks.  They were not.  They were wearing surgical masks.  They had Chicago Bears bandanas under their surgical caps.  And it was Barb, not Beth.

    Yesterday on Facebook I posted where I was when I heard about JFK being shot.  I said I was a freshman at Lake View High School.....which is incorrect.  I was a sophomore, as friend John pointed out.  I told him it was easy for me to get confused because I don't even remember what year I graduated from high school, although it might have been 66.

    I always asked my class  history questions.  Like what fire in October 1871 killed over 1,000 people.  Or  similar questions for extra credit.  One year I told the group to ask their parents what they remember about JFK's assasination.  A little girl came in and said her mom remembered nothing because she was only a month old.  I knew then I was getting old.

    For years I would tell people Julia was born on the day Gale Sayers scored 6 touchdowns against San Francisco.  For years I was wrong.  Sayers scored them way before Julia was born.

     Yet in my mind those were facts that upon further review, did not hold up.  Sort of like election fraud, stolen votes, and the check is in the mail.

    And in yesterday's photo of my new prostate, I had the sucker upside down. 

    By the way...over the last few days my Pay Pal account was suspended until I updated my information, my Apple account was in need of more information, and a package I ordered was not shipped and I was entitled to a refund, all I had to do was send the credit card information.

     I ignored all of hem and guess what?  Pay Pal and Apple still work.  And no package was ordered.

    Scammers should be drawn and quartered with their fingers cut off and made into snacks for hungry wolf packs.  

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Stay home.

Peace and Love

PS....correct words in first paragrah were type and their.......did you notice?

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