Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Thinking about numbers this week

    Electoral college, popular vote, Senate make up, Covid deaths..... a lot to lose sleep over.

    It appears some of the questions have been answered, but it also appears there will be court challenges by a certain sore loser.

    But enough politics.


    This is post 237 since the lockdown in the Dickow household unofficially began.  It may coincide with the number of days Covid has been around, but I don't know.  It is just representing how many days I have tried to socially distance, stay home, be isolated and stay safe.

    What is doesn't mean is we have gone 237 days without visitors.  Lots of people have stopped by, just one or two at a time.  I always ask how they feel, if they have been near someone exposed to Covid, and then invite them in.  In the house we sit far apart but for a few hours it almost seems normal.  When I do go out, I wear a mask and sanitize a lot.  

    198,130   That's the number of views this blog has had in its lifetime.  I learned  tonight that some poeple comment on the blog site, not on Facebook, and I finally read comments from people over the last month.  I learned a lesson.

    97 cents   That is how much advertising money I made in November by people clicking on the ads that appear on the blog.  I obviously don't do this  for the money.

    $107.13    Total amount I have earned in the five years I have done this.  I have not received the money because I have to give them information on my bank account and I am a little fearful of doing it.  People at the bank said it was ok, John said it was ok, but I am old school.  Someday.

    2,451     The total number of posts I have done on this somewhat exploration of my trivial life.  They used to tell my what countries people were living who read it, but now I can't seem to find that info because they updated the site.  Oh well.

    Thousands     The number of blessing I have in life.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask,  Social distance.

Peace and Love

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