Sunday, November 8, 2020


 I ruined a perfectly good day today

    I watched the Bears.  Even though they were terrible the first half, I hung around for the end of the game.  Granted, I did some chores in between.  I missed the two touchdowns they managed to score, but I did see enough four and outs to last a season.

    All the time I could have been putting up Christmas lights on a 70 dregree day.  But nooooooo!  Ever the optimist, I thought the offense would get untracked.  I will be more particular with my time for the next game.

    We did talk to Julia....Switzerland is on lock down due to Covid.  Restaurants and bars closed, indoor gatherings limited to 5 or less, masks mandatory when people are around, even outside. If you are over 85 and sick, hospitals will not admit you because they are full.  Scary and sad.

    Christmas lights.

    I have stripped all the garland of lights and bought 6 strands of lights to rewarp the garland before I hang it on the porch rails.  Bought the lights 4 days ago.  Went to wrap them today and ..... damn, I have the wrong lights!

    I bought white lights with white wiring, but I don't want white wiring!  The frustrating thing is I did the same thing last year and had to take those lights back.  That's what I will be doing tomorrow.

    I did get most of the bushes lit....but damn again!  I checked lights when I put them away last year and two of the strands are half dead this year!  How does that happen?

    By the end of the day tomorrow, I will have the bushes lit, the garland relit and hung and you can bet on that!  Just don't bet too much.

    I took advantage of the nice weather to cook a couple of small steaks for supper.  It was nice to sit out in the driveway, sipping my wine and smelling the meat a grilling on the Weber.  

    I don't think we have too many days ahead like  this one.

    Maybe tomorrow...... then the bottom starts to fall.

    Enjoy it while you can.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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