Monday, November 9, 2020


 I actually won a bet today

    Or a it whatever you want.

    Looky here:

    I got the lights up!

    The bushes, the garland, all done.  I even wrapped the sign holding pole on the porch. (pole, not Pole...a sign holding Pole could be a guy named Stash holding a sign....this is a wooden pole holding a sign.  Big difference.)

    I just hope the predicted 60 mph winds tomorrow don't move them around too much.  I usually anchor  the garland  with bungee cords, but did not do that today.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Friend John came today and brought some lasagna made by his wife Kathy.  We had some tonight and put a few meals in the freezer for the days when I can't cook.  It was darn deelicious. And much appreciated.

    Jackie has her second eye surgery Thursday.  She is totally calm with that.

    Me, on the otherhand, keeps thinking of getting on a plane and going somewhere where no one can find me.  I know that won't solve the problem, but there are times I just want to run away to someplace safe.  (Maybe that should have started with be honest, me don't care at this point.)

    I still have a couple of items to move in from outside, but the big stuff is all in the garage. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I will put the final plants away and the last couple of chairs.

    Weather could be a little dicey tomorrow, so everyone in Illinois stay alert!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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