Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 You are about to see something no one else has seen

    I bet my brother has never seen this.

    And I blew up part of it so you can answer a question afterward.

    When we moved from Skare Court, we temporarily stored stuff in Emily's basement.  Well, the tornado kind of scattered her life across Northern Illinois.
But one of the boxes that survived was an old box fan container from our house on Skare.  It has been in my garage since 2015.  I opened it today during a clean up the garage moment.  
    The glass was broken, but the print is still pretty good.
    This is Ernst Dickow.  Now, my brother Carl may correct me when/if he reads this, but Ernst was  my father's father.  My dad was born in 1901 and this to me looks like a confirmation or communion picture.  He looks about I am guessing this is from the 1880s, or even before.

    This is a close up....and for some reason I see myself in this.  I don't know why, but I feel I know this person. you see any of me in this face?  Maybe it's just me.

    Weird, huh.

    Funny story.....Emily is invovled in a group for Sighthounds.  They had a drawing tonight...for every $20 you donated, you had a chance to win a prize,  I put it off until just a few minutes before the closing, when Jackie asked if I had donated.  Since it is one of Emily's farorite charities, I donated $40. which means I had two chances to win a prize.  

    I won two prizes!!  Holy cow!!  I should run out right now and buy lottery tickets, because this is my lucky day.

    Unfortunately I have had a couple of glasses of red and don't think I can drive into I won't win that 100 million tonight.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or incur the wrath of the rest of us.

Peace and Love

Methinks mine friend hath a hungry varmit lurking about

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