Monday, November 2, 2020


 Ok, I admit it....I am not sharpest pencil

    Sometimes I do pretty strange, and dumb, things.

    Like yesterday.  I mentioned I made scalloped potatoes from a box.  Well, I did.

    I boiled the water, milk and butter, added the mix, then I opened the dehydrated potatoes complete the dish.

    You know, they look a lot like potato chips.  Except they don't have salt.  So I thought, what the heck, and popped one in my mouth.

    Damn near broke a tooth!  And it was terrible tasting.  I actually spit it out into a napkin it was so bad, and I seldom toss food!

    I went to the store today for a couple of things, so I did not need a cart.  Picked up 6 boxes of Christmas lights, two perscriptions, and 3 frozen pot pies for my suppers during recovery.  (Just to clarify, only the frozen pot pies were for supper.)   I kept dropping stuff.  I should have taken a cart.

    I always park by a tree or light post in a parking lot so I can find my car easily.  But two days ago I did not.  Of course, when I came out of the store I went to every damn tree in the lot before I remembered.

    I was asked by a doctor today if I ever had surgery before.   I said never.  He then asked me about the three heart stents I have and informed me that was actually surgery.  I knew that.

    Oh well, at least I can laugh at what I do that isn't quite right.  And I usually have a lot to laugh about.

    I read a quote and was so impressed by it, I wrote it down.  Of course, I can't find it now.  It went something like:  The mind has 600,000 thoughts a day....laughter is our way of resetting our brain.  

   I'll keep looking for that note...and laughing.

     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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