Tuesday, November 3, 2020

day.....is it over?.....233

 I am filled with dread about tonight

    I will be devastated if this guy gets reelected.  I can't bear to watch the returns.

    So.....a different topic.

    Jackie did not have her second cataract surgery today.  The surgical center called yesterday and said they had some "health" issues and were closing until everyone could be tested.

    So, she is rescheduled for Nov. 12.  Same place, hopefully they will have it cleaned up  by then.

    I finished harvesting carrots today.  I hope I remember not to plant 16 feet of carrots next year. I have a lot.

    I also planted some bulbs.  I have two bulb planters, but I could not find either one.  Heaven knows where I put them.  I was looking in my laundry room cabnet for something today and found a level....why I put it there I will never know.

    I am celebrating little things:  bulbs planted; carrots harvested; front of house garden weeded for the final time this year;   final two strands of garland delighted so I can relight them with working lights.

    Nothing major, but a lot of little things.  I would have been more productive, but I just forgot how dark it gets by 4:30 now.  Guess I need to start earlier.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Please wear a mask.

Peace and Love.

Is this what carrot love looks like?

My hanging plants are still green and still have flowers.  Usually I lose these by the first of August.

Still using this!

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