Sunday, November 15, 2020


 I consider myself pretty careful...but

    Last night I almost fell for a con.

    Jackie and I are looking for a Dyson V 11 animal stick vac.  They have extra suction for dog hairs, something that Corki blesses us with abundantly.

    Trouble is, they retail about $600.  A little steep for my blood.

    Frequently I Google the product and find places where they are on sale.

    I hit one last night.

    The vac was on sale for .....get this.....$65 plus $15 shipping, or $80 total.  For a $600 vac.

    I looked through the site and it looked like the Dyson site, so I clicked on add to basket. 

    Then I double checked to be sure this was a secure site.  I looked at the web site closely and it was dyewa.......not Dyson.

I went to the Dyson site and they have a section on counterfeits and fake sites, with a warning to purchase only from the Dyson site or an authorized dealer.

    If I had given my credit card info, or even my name, I could envision months of financial worry and problems.  As it was, I left the site, sent the site to Dyson for them to be aware of, and played solitaire to calm my anger.

    My guess is dozens, maybe hundreds, of people fall for this type of scam daily.  They give thieves access to bank accounts, credit cards, and who knows what else.

    So remember two things in life:  Trust, but verify.

    And if it sounds too good to be true, it isn't.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay smart.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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