Thursday, November 5, 2020


I did an unusual thing today 

        I tossed out something.

        About a year ago we had a lamp that shattered.  We got a new lamp.  So we had an extra lamp shade.

        Since that inicident  I have saved the old lamp shade in case we needed it.  Today I thought, when have we ever needed a lamp shade?

        So I tossed it.  Seriously!  I also am tossing the wet vac I have in the garage that only has 3 wheels.  I have to drag it around because it no longer rolls.  I have a new wet vac in the basement and it has 4 wheels.  So the trey wheeled one is headed for the curb side.

    I don't throw stuff out.  It may have no use anymore, but I don't toss it.  So this is a big accomplishment.

    I also had my first physical therapy session today.

    I have two sessions before my surgery.  The sessions are designed to help me counter incontinence after the operation.

    I do a series of pelvic exercises and they are monitored on a computer screen via electrodes attached to various parts of my body.

    The PT said the doctor doing my surgery was "amazing" and I shouldn't worry.  She said the exercises will help immensely in my recovery.

    She also told me to avoid JICs.  She then explained a JIC is when someone uses the bathroom just because it is me.  I never pass  a bathroom...just in case. (JIC...clever, huh?)   She said by doing that I am actually not doing my bladder any favors because it never has the chance to expand.  So now I have to get into the habit of not using a bathroom unless I actually have to.

    What I liked was at the end of my session, I felt like I had known this person for years.  She made me very comfortable and we had lots of good conversations about incontinence.  That's a sentence I never thought I would utter!

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  The task is to mask!

Peace and Love

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