Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 I have a lot for which to be thankful

    Notice how I tried not to end a sentence with a preposition?  Although, it isn't a sentence, actually.  I guess I did not need to do that.

    Obviously, I am so thankful for my family.  Emily and John have been great.  I now know how to run the tv that puzzled me and the other electronics that always seem to confuse me.  Emily shops, comes at night to give me shots, and tucks Jackie in bed.  Julia has sent messages and called, boosting my spirits.  Jackie has been understanding and not demanded much of me.  My brother and inlaws have called.  

    I am thankful for my friends.  Cards, calls, meals, little signs they are thinking of me and Jackie during this challenging stretch for us.  It is very comforting and makes me realize how much more I could be doing for people around me.

    I am thankful for nurses and doctors who gave me excellent advice and care.  I got a get well card today from the nurses assigned to walking buddy even said it was "a pleasure to meet you."  A pleasure.  I wonder if she says that to all the guys who have their junk out for public viewing.  

    I'm thankful for Lanet and the care she is giving us during the day.  She won't let me bend over when I drop something and has our health first.

    So much to be thankful for.

    So tomorrow, when our very small foursome is sitting around munching turkey, I wll be giving silent prayers of thanks for everything I have been blessed with in this world.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Be safe.  Be healthy.  Stay home.  Enjoy life.

Peace and Love

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