Friday, November 27, 2020


 104 views until I hit 200,000

    Excuse me for being excited.  I never expected to be doing this at this point in my life.

    Of course, I never expected to be in a pandemic, have prostate canceer, or not see another Cubs World Series at this point in life.

    I guess you just have to expect the unexpected in life.

    Like zombie minks.

    As I undeerstand it, minks were thought to be involved in the transmission of Covid 19, so mink farmers killed thousands of the animals in Denmark.

    They were buried in trenches 8 feet deep, coveerd with chalk, sand, chalk, sand. A  veritable chalk sand sandwich, which is weird to say.

    The problem is hundreds of the minks have come up out of the ground and are now rotting  on the surface!  Since the sand is so light, the minks' decaying bodies filled wiht gas and pushed their way to the surface.

    I know!  How could the fake news media not report on this?  There has been no coverage of this in the United States except in today's Tribune, which is where I saw the story.  But no one is talking about this!

    Wth hard hitting stories like this, I am expecting to go over the 300,000 mark within days!

    Sigh.....if only it was that easy.

    Feeling better every day...walked a little, did some small chores, went to the store.  The Cypress House girls were happy to see me, and I them.  

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Eat leftovers. Wear a mask.  Tie your shoes.

Peace and Love

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