Sunday, November 29, 2020

 I really don't have much to say tonight

    I know!   That IS unusual.

    I did manage to make our on line church service today.  It's not the same as in real life, but it is better than nothing. I do miss the people at church.

    Started reading a book today, The Fifth Elephant, and it has brought on a chuckle or two.  Two nights ago I finished A Tale of Two Cities.  Not a laugher, but a good read.  

    We are moving the Christmas tree....seems it is pretty round and hard to get around.  So we (Emily and John) will be sliding it into the corner some time to provide a little more walking room.  That is a big change for us.  We have certain things in certain places.  Let me clarify that.  Someone has certain places for certain objects.  Me?  I just like to put stuff out and am not particulary concerned about what goes where.  I think that will be good this Christmas.

    Capped off the day with a lasagna dinner, and some Spanish wine.  Lasagna was great, but the wine did not seem so hot.  Could be I am used to pinot noir, so tomorrow may be a different taste story.

    Then we sat down to watch the Bears.  Opening drive left me optimistic but I had to stop watching at the half.  Just can't take the ineptness.  

    See?  An Eh  day.  One of many.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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