Tuesday, November 24, 2020


I had a doctor's visit today 

    Good news.....18 lymph nodes taken out, 0 with cancer.  The prostate cancer was beginning to spread but was still contained entirely in the prostate.  My chances of cancer recurring over the next 15 years is about 1 percent.

    I will take that.

    As you know, I get worked up about all sorts of things....my mind plays games, and causes me to freak out.

    For instance.  I had a catheter.  The catheter came out today.  The PA taking it out said I needed to breath deeply when she removed it   I almost hyperventilated on the table I was breathing so deeply.  She finally told me to calm down and gave a gentle yank on Little Willie and it was out.  No pain.  Some gain.

    Of course, it will take a while to retrain my body....but the exercises I have been doing should help.  In the meantime, let's just say I am doing a lot of laundry.

    This has been a humbling experience.  I no longer am embarassed about dropping my pants, although no one in Starbucks actually asked me to do that.  Lesson learned.

    I still find myself clicking my teeth.  Prior to surgery I was grinding them, now I am just clicking them.  Still, it's irritating.

    And sleep is difficult.  Maybe tonight will be different, or not.  I would make a hot toddy before bed but somebody finished my bottle of whiskey.  

    We got some snow today....interesting, eh?  Now it is cold and raining.  Somehow, I am not mentally ready for winter and being stuck in the house with no place to go for weeks at a time.  But tomorrow I will start walking farther than the mailbox.  About time.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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